Results for: sketch

all work and no play?

Along with Leonard Cohen, I share birthdays with Stephen King. His ON WRITING offered some fuel during these past months of revisions. This sentiment matched my own for most of the summer. Then finally, on Thursday the 17th, a BREAKTHROUGH. (it may or may not involve smithereens.) HABIBI‘s undergone four drafts: 1) The spontaneous sketchbook-bound

big obrigado

Fresh home from Portugal. Big “obrigado” to Paulo Monteiro for organizing the festival in Beja and spoiling all us guests! On the left, a sketch André Caetano made of me (looking intense & scruffy) during my talk with Pedro Moura. And on the right, a glimpse of Beja from the castle. Beja’s a charming, laid-back


On days like today, I need to trick myself into composing a page of comics. The blank paper looks intimidating, and the panel borders feel cramped. So I sketch loosely and scattered on a cheap scrap, then scan, and shift things around in Photoshop. It seems contrived, but sometimes drawing in all those claustrophobic little

doodles done on a plane

Here’s three scribble doodles from my pocket-sized travel sketchbook. I’m partial to the sleeping nuns. The shark plane idea worked its way into an homage I drew for LITTLE NEMO: Un Siécle de Rêves published by Les Impressions Nouvelles. Safe travels, folks!

each fallen robin

Two days ago was Leonard Cohen’s birthday. He started his musical career at age 33. And two days ago I turned 33! Here’s something I jotted in my sketchbook that morning – from Javier Marías.

summer’s gonna turn into fall

Summers are always a bit chaotic, but I apologize for neglecting blog posting. Here’s four steps towards a recent page of HABIBI. 1) rough pencils 2) refined pencils 3) half-inked 4) finished. And below is recent documentation of my rural adventures visiting my sister in Nebraska — paired with an old doodle from my sketchbooks,

shoveling away

All my favorite pages of HABIBI are too spoiler-ish to share, so instead here’s a fairly innocuous/boring page that can be broken down into various stages of development. It’s outright shameful the lapse of time from the first draft free-form journaled in my sketchbook in October 2004 and the final inks laid down a couple

papier à dessin

There’s dozens and dozens of figure drawing sketchbooks on my shelves, so I’d thought I’d occasionally post a drawing. Almost all of them are executed with those Pentel pocketbrush pens straight to paper with no pencils or erasers or fussing like my comics pages. And the subjects are admittedly almost always pretty girls/women. Occasionally I

cuddle doodles

While this box of BLANKETS roughs is still unpacked, here’s a few more things… 1) a couple of thumbnails for a cover idea… 2) … doodled on the back of this ROBOX script – one of the gazillions of bill-paying jobs I worked on to fund BLANKETS … 3) … the final ROBOX story, written

je suis en retard

pardon my lag… distracted with side projects lately, including this collaboration with poster-king Mike King for the upcoming Stumptown Comics Fest. Stumptown is a bit like camp reunion when many of my cartoonist friends roll into town. Here some sketch portraits of one said reunion last year — Gabrielle Bell… — and Trevor Alixopulos —