Results for: jpg

leaf through

Often I worry I draw too small and confined. Compare these recent panels with a brush, my hand, an autumn leaf.

new prez

It was a really pretty day in Portland the day Barack Obama came to town, and thanks to my pals the Decemberists I got to watch from the best seats in the house – the stage alongside his podium.


Thank you continually for all the comments and support. I disagree with the sentiment from this recent HABIBI panel below.


When I’m not drawing comics, I’m a flying lumberjack.

each fallen robin

Two days ago was Leonard Cohen’s birthday. He started his musical career at age 33. And two days ago I turned 33! Here’s something I jotted in my sketchbook that morning – from Javier MarĂ­as.

war party

As one would guess, none of the point&click photos capture the chaos that was Paintallica. In retrospect, I wish I’d drawn a real-time carnet to document the rowdiness rather than pathetically slather cardboard with house paint. Here’s a little review of the “pleasing mess”. I don’t know how to describe things except as an extreme


I’m a bit anxious about what I’ve gotten myself into… …agreeing to participate in a chaotic painting/performance/installation/collaboration called PAINTALLICA. The namesake should cancel out all the artsy-fartsy pretensions. My understanding is that there will be a couple sleepless nights of a group of us ransacking a PICA-ordained gallery space. And the project is headed up

summer’s gonna turn into fall

Summers are always a bit chaotic, but I apologize for neglecting blog posting. Here’s four steps towards a recent page of HABIBI. 1) rough pencils 2) refined pencils 3) half-inked 4) finished. And below is recent documentation of my rural adventures visiting my sister in Nebraska — paired with an old doodle from my sketchbooks,

you still have some time

My longtime Wisconsin buddy & famous painter Dan Attoe and I are doing a talk at the Portland Art Museum ~ This Thursday, August 7, 6pm, 1219 SW Park. The museum is exhibiting some of Dan’s paintings and neon as part of their Contemporary Northwest Art Awards show. They’re really sumptin’ to behold — Epic